Petitions for Orders of Protection can be filed online or in person in Allen Superior Court’s Small Claims Division, at 1 West Superior Street in downtown Fort Wayne.
Approximately 3,500 protection order petitions are filed in Allen County each year. Under Indiana Code, petitioners may seek an order of protection if they have been a victim of:
- Domestic or family violence
- Stalking
- A sex offense, including child grooming
- Harassment
Detailed description of the offenses that might qualify for a protection order are available online.

Small Claims Court is located at 1 W. Superior Street in downtown Fort Wayne
Petitioners choosing to file in person should visit the Allen County Clerk’s office on the first floor of the Small Claims Division for protection order forms.
Those needing assistance completing the forms may schedule an appointment with Superior Court’s Protection Order Specialist. Appointments are scheduled in 15-minute increments. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (260) 449-3444, by email at [email protected] or in-person.
Scheduling an appointment will allow the Protection Order Specialist to give more individualized attention to a petitioner while also preventing backlogs or causing a petitioner to feel rushed.
The Protection Order Specialist can only provide technical assistance in filling out the forms. The specialist may not provide legal advice or advocate for the petitioner.